View Full Version : Interesting Article on Removal of Lampstand

03-16-2019, 12:57 AM
I was researching commentaries on "removing the lampstand" and came across this brief and interesting article.....I definitely chuckled as I was fully expecting LSM to be mentioned somewhere but ironically it wasn't. Just thought I'd share since you all will be quick to see the relevance......


I also thoroughly appreciate that it is such a solid stand. "10,000 editors couldn't sway". Why? Because the Lord is the one who does it. No one else.

03-16-2019, 04:33 AM
I was researching commentaries on "removing the lampstand" and came across this brief and interesting article.....I definitely chuckled as I was fully expecting LSM to be mentioned somewhere but ironically it wasn't. Just thought I'd share since you all will be quick to see the relevance......


I also thoroughly appreciate that it is such a solid stand. "10,000 editors couldn't sway". Why? Because the Lord is the one who does it. No one else.
Here's the quote most fitting to LSM . . .

Politics in the secular world I grudgingly tolerate—politics in the Lord's church I abhor.

But wait, LSM will claim exemption, since rules about churches don't apply to them as a ministry. :rollingeyesfrown:

03-16-2019, 07:18 AM
If the Lord determines to remove the lampstand from a group of His people, ten thousand editors couldn't sway His judgment. If the Lord is pleased with His people in any given city, it doesn't really matter what some self-appointed guardian of the brotherhood says! "Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: The Lord knows those who are His" (2 Tim. 2:19).

Not sure who this David Padfield guy is, or his Church of Christ in Zion, but this quote above is pretty insightful, and biblical I believe.

"If the Lord determines to remove the lampstand". This is the phrase that stands out. Only God himself can recognize and legitimatize any local church, church group or association of churches, and not some apostle wannabe who couldn't pass a vacation bible school pop quiz in theology.:eek: