10-31-2018, 09:35 AM
Forum Members and Guest Posters,
One of the main concerns and missions of LocalChurchDiscussions.Com is to give a voice to former and current Local Church members, family members and other concerned parties. Accordingly, I believe there should be minimal contribution from any regular participants, unless there is a specific request from the person posting their introduction/testimony. In far too many of the threads initiated by a first time posters on this sub-forum, their original post gets drowned out in an avalanche of lengthy "responses". I put quotes around responses because many times the responses wonder far afield or are just plain unrelated to the original post. (because I am just as guilty of this offence as anyone else, I have submitted myself to 50 lashes with a wet, but al dente, noodle.)
Seriously, for the sake of our friends out their who take the time and have the courage to post their testimony on a public forum, I am asking that we all consider our responses and contributions on the Introductions and Testimonies sub-forum. Let's try to follow the "less in more" method and try to give some more compact responses.
One of the main concerns and missions of LocalChurchDiscussions.Com is to give a voice to former and current Local Church members, family members and other concerned parties. Accordingly, I believe there should be minimal contribution from any regular participants, unless there is a specific request from the person posting their introduction/testimony. In far too many of the threads initiated by a first time posters on this sub-forum, their original post gets drowned out in an avalanche of lengthy "responses". I put quotes around responses because many times the responses wonder far afield or are just plain unrelated to the original post. (because I am just as guilty of this offence as anyone else, I have submitted myself to 50 lashes with a wet, but al dente, noodle.)
Seriously, for the sake of our friends out their who take the time and have the courage to post their testimony on a public forum, I am asking that we all consider our responses and contributions on the Introductions and Testimonies sub-forum. Let's try to follow the "less in more" method and try to give some more compact responses.