View Full Version : Looking for former LC members in Boston/Cambridge area

07-30-2018, 07:24 PM
Hi all,

I'm moving to Cambridge, Massachusetts this fall to attend grad school.

While I still might go to the LC church in Cambridge or Boston, I'm open to exploring other churches. What churches do you recommend?

I'm hoping to find something that appeals to LC sensibilities but leaves the exclusivism at the door and integrates with the broader Christian community. The sensibilities that I mention include the intention to live out the Acts style of fellowship, super close-knit family feel, praising out loud during meetings, potlucks (half-kidding) and an emphasis on "experiencing Christ" on a deep level that you find in the writings of Watchman Nee, AW Tozer and even Witness Lee. I do also appreciate the themes you find in broader evangelical Christianity like missions work and vocation. I recognize that it's probably impossible to find a church that has all those elements...you can't have everything!

I'm especially interested in churches that are influenced by Watchman Nee / AW Tozer, similar to those started by Titus Chu or Stephen Kaung, independenet local churches started by former members of LC, churches with a population of former LC members, or "New Community Churches" (e.g. Cincinnati Community Church, Grandview Christian Assembly) described by Brother John Myer in "A Future and a Hope".


07-30-2018, 09:22 PM
Thanks for stopping by, and congratulations on your advanced studies!

You have cast a very wide net my brother! All the way from Watchman Nee/Witness Lee to Grandview Christian Assembly. From what you have described, I think one choice may be to contact Stephen Kaung's fellowship there in Richmond Virginia and see if they have some related fellowship or gathering of believers there in the Boston area. I'm assuming you're a "church kid" and do not want to wander too far from the kind of meetings and fellowship that you grew up with. I suppose that you could contact Titus Chu's church in Cleveland as well. John Myer et al there in Columbus are probably not going to be a good source for you. John has set off on a new course about 180 degrees away from the Local Church of Witness Lee, so I don't think that's a good reference point for someone like you.

At the risk of offending you my brother, may I suggest that you consider (and pray about) doing as Myer and so many others have? That is taking a serious look at what the Lord is doing out there completely apart from the teachings and ministries of Witness Lee & Watchman Nee. I think you may find yourself pleasantly surprised on what God is doing all over the world, especially among young people. I am not very familiar with the Boston area, but I believe there may be some other Forum members who are.

Seek those who are seeking Him.

Former Cambridge
08-02-2018, 08:46 AM
You might try looking up Silas Wu who was a longtime elder in Newton and coworker of Witness Lee. He is a retired history professor from Boston College who left the LC 10+ years ago during the Titus Chu/Dong Yu Lan debacle. As far as I know, there is no Stephen Kaung-affiliated group in the Boston area.

08-02-2018, 07:52 PM
You might try looking up Silas Wu who was a longtime elder in Newton and coworker of Witness Lee. He is a retired history professor from Boston College who left the LC 10+ years ago during the Titus Chu/Dong Yu Lan debacle. As far as I know, there is no Stephen Kaung-affiliated group in the Boston area.
When will the Leeites finally perceive:

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
“And there is no salvation in any other man, for there is no other name under Heaven given to the children of men by which it is necessary to receive life.”

No man gives life but Christ. He is present in millions of places outside of Nee, Lee, Kaung, Chu or Wu groups. I wonder if God resists the name chasers as much as He does the proud?