View Full Version : Looking for Ex-members

01-22-2010, 06:44 PM

I'm posting as a guest because for some reason registration has been disabled. I'm curious about any members or ex-members that may have been involved with the LC in the North East during the 90's to presently. I grew up in the church in North Providence. My family often went to services in Newton, and we were in close relationship with some saints in London, Ontario.

I am no longer a member of the LC, and as I'm sure many ex-members who were raised in the LC know: when you leave the church, you often must also leave your childhood behind as well. I say this because growing up in the LC can be isolating, your only friends are in the church, and if your extended biological family is not in the LC than you may not see them much either. So when I left the church during my teens I lost all of my childhood friends (who really were like brothers and sisters), "extended family" and seriously strained my relationship with my parents. As an adult now, I have become interested in dialougue with other people who grew up in the church around the same time as me, but left (I'm 23).

All of my friends that I grew up with in the church are still active members, some now attending the FTT. To be honest, I always thought that many of them would leave when they became 18, so in a way, I always hoped to get some of my friends back. It's hard to find people I can talk to about this, and sometimes I just feel like talking about it.


01-23-2010, 08:41 AM
Sorry for the inconvenience of having to register "manually" - I had to disable the automated registration because of all the spammers out there. At the top of the home page are the instructions on how to register for the forum. Maybe for some reason this is not displaying when you view the home page. Anyway it's rather simple actually, just send an email to LocalChurchDiscussions@Gmail.Com with your desired USERNAME (example: UntoHim) and then a temporary password will be issued to you.
As an adult now, I have become interested in dialougue with other people who grew up in the church around the same time as me, but left (I'm 23).
All of my friends that I grew up with in the church are still active members, some now attending the FTT. To be honest, I always thought that many of them would leave when they became 18, so in a way, I always hoped to get some of my friends back. It's hard to find people I can talk to about this, and sometimes I just feel like talking about it.

This is why this forum is here!

01-23-2010, 12:09 PM
thank you! I'm going to try to register again.

01-24-2010, 10:21 PM
Yeah. No doubt there are others of us who are also watching the forum who left. I was also in north providence and would be happy to talk at some point. You can PM me your contact info if you'd like. I had a different experience, but also left. I posted under my middle name (brad) last year, as I was a pretty uneasy about the whole thing, but now I'm ready to move on. This place is a good resource.

01-26-2010, 07:24 AM
hey taylor,

I wanted to PM you my email address, but for some reason I still cant register. Hopefully I will get that figured out soon!

01-26-2010, 07:55 AM
Hey K, I sent you registration information back on the 23rd - it was an email from "Localchurchdiscussions@Gmail.Com" - Maybe it ended up in your SPAM folder for some reason. I just re-sent it again and it should be sitting in either your IN BOX or maybe your SPAM folder. If you still do not have it please let me know here and we'll figure some way to get it to you.

04-08-2014, 08:52 AM
Hello again, it's me, 'K', who posted in 2010. Still can't seem to login with my username (lol). If anyone can help me out my email is: mydogblue.86@gmail.com


04-08-2014, 12:05 PM
Hey K, looking back at your original request for membership the email for you that came through shows as mydogblue_86@gmail.com (with an _ underscore) -now it looks like you have changed it to mydogblue.86@gmail.com (now with a dot (.) - I had the system send you a password reminder email but it probably went to the mydogblue_86@gmail.com - I will go ahead and change the email to mydogblue.86@gmail.com and have the system send you another password reminder. Let me know if you have problems receiving the email and I'll send it directly from my gmail account.


04-17-2014, 02:17 PM
I am at a crossroads of whether or not to return to the local church meeting...my sister is opposed to the LC as Being a cult...not sure if I am ready to go that far, but I would very much like to fellowship with anyone who can relate to my burdern.
.......my email is kellyrercanbrack1@gmail.com...looking forward hearing from anyone who feels led

04-20-2014, 11:27 AM
We would like to hear from any that met in Elden Hall or Hall 4 or Hall 6 or Anaheim or OKC from 70-78 especially, but we welcome contact from anyone that desires fellowship.

11-08-2014, 03:36 PM
1968~Elden Hall Los Angeles Double Church Wedding 1970 & Participated(22 family+2 singles Church Migration to Chicago w/James Reetzke~10 member co-signing bought Masonic Temple in Rogers Park to renovate as 'Meeting Hall'(sold 1977) & we returnerd to Anaheim LC~1979 course correction after 11 years of LC service to EFC-Fullerton(Chuck Swindoll)

Vision of the "Local Ground Of Unity" became clearer as both a confining limitation for God [God in our 'Little Flock Box] & a Re-Crucification of Christ:The Lamb of God by nailing him to the 'City Limits'. Even clearer came the Revelation that all sectarian-exclusiveness was never permissable in Jesus Christ's[I will build my Church-'reality']

After our only son was born(Anaheim General Hosp.) & 14 years my LC Wife went home to Jesus I re-married a Costa Rican Girl & since 2006 are living retired in Costa Rica. Here to practice [becoming all things to all men hence saving some~He that winneth souls is wise]

11-09-2014, 07:47 AM
Vision of the "Local Ground Of Unity" became clearer as both a confining limitation for God [God in our 'Little Flock Box] & a Re-Crucification of Christ:The Lamb of God by nailing him to the 'City Limits'.

What a poetic turn of phrase, especially the second part. You have thought this over and distilled it to its essence.

Have you had any "Local Church Discussions" in the last 10 yr or so to give you this insight or did it just emerge on its own? In other words, did what you now perceive arrive with human conversation, slowly, or did it at some point just become clear.

Because your writing is clear. Somehow you emerged from the fuzzy buzzy thinking, the circular reasoning that infects the narrow sectarian, even cultic, way. I am interested in how that occurred with you. Thanks in advance.

I myself had to do a lot of "shouting and rolling in the dust" like one of Jesus' exorcisms. Thus the utility of this forum, here, for me. I don't know how much others have benefitted but for me it was good to have a place to vent.

But others are different. Some go to the closet and pray to the Father who is in secret. Maybe that is better. Less collateral damage. Maybe there is some combination of private fellowship and shouting from rooftops. Anyway I am interested in your journey out of the LC and beyond if you care to share.

09-06-2016, 10:27 AM
My name is Loretta and I grew up in the church. I am an ex member and plan to stay that way. Like the statement above when you leave, you leave. I am interested in locating past members of the church in Worcester, church in Newtown, or church in NY.