View Full Version : Announcement: Titus Chu on YouTube

09-07-2017, 11:31 AM

Now Online:
Video Excerpts from
the Ministry of Titus Chu (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE8xtehQc0Oh3KtSiVaHdxQ/)

We are very pleased to announce that Brother Titus now has an online channel for you to view video excerpts from his recent ministry, at Youtube.com. You can access his channel here:

The Ministry of Titus Chu on YouTube.com
To search for it directly on YouTube, look for “Titus Chu Ministry Messages.”

Many of these excerpts are from recent conference messages, so watching them is a good way to review and consider again what our brother has recently shared as his burden from the Lord. As a sample, this is an excerpt from the recent Memorial Day Weekend conference:

The Depth of His Riches
We pray that these videos will be a real help and blessing to you in your Christian life!

Grace to you,

The Editors

09-07-2017, 05:37 PM
Many of these excerpts are from recent conference messages, so watching them is a good way to review and consider again what our brother has recently shared as his burden from the Lord. As a sample, this is an excerpt from the recent Memorial Day Weekend conference:

I can't help but notice that in a manner similar to Lee, there is an attempt to present Chu's ministry as something that has been 'released' as a "burden from the Lord." At least they qualify it as Chu's 'burden' and not "the Lord's burden," but the underlying implication is the same. That being the notion that anything 'released' by Chu can and should be given special attention. That is exactly how Lee's ministry is also portrayed. It appears that the apple does not fall far from the tree, and this highlights an interesting point. The blendeds view Titus as their mortal enemy. But it appears that the two parties that splintered from each other are not all that dissimilar as they would have people believe. The ideology is the same. The person running the show is different.

09-08-2017, 03:33 AM
The blendeds view Titus as their mortal enemy. But it appears that the two parties that splintered from each other are not all that dissimilar as they would have people believe. The ideology is the same. The person running the show is different.

Titus and Dong copied Lee because the organisational and ideational model worked, for them. Their 'crime' chiefly consisted of not being Lee. This model is a respecter of persons, in fact it's built around this.

But it's a Chinese model, and not a copy of the divine pattern.

09-08-2017, 11:05 AM
Titus and Dong copied Lee because the organisational and ideational model worked, for them. Their 'crime' chiefly consisted of not being Lee. This model is a respecter of persons, in fact it's built around this.

But it's a Chinese model, and not a copy of the divine pattern.

Those in the LC would assert that their "unique leader" is Christ. However, as LC history shows, even starting from day 1, the movement (and its spinoffs) has always practiced following a single leader who supplies the "up-to-date speaking" and who also is the final authority in all matters. Indeed, the 'crime' of TC and DYL is that neither was Lee. Other than that, much of the ideology is the same. The leadership patterns are the same and the utilization of their speaking as the 'ministry' for churches under them is also the same.

When the blendeds quarantined TC and DYL, they basically quarantined mirror images of Lee. It's hard to not see the irony in it all.

09-08-2017, 01:03 PM
Those in the LC would assert that their "unique leader" is Christ. However, as LC history shows, even starting from day 1, the movement (and its spinoffs) has always practiced following a single leader who supplies the "up-to-date speaking" and who also is the final authority in all matters.
Whether it be Catholics venerating Peter the first Pope, or exclusive Protestants uplifting the ministry of Paul, I doubt that any group that sees a single leader besides our Lord Jesus could ever be a healthy church.

09-08-2017, 05:17 PM
I doubt that any group that sees a single leader besides our Lord Jesus could ever be a healthy church.

Jesus Christ is the single leader of the church. Accept no substitutes.

09-08-2017, 09:40 PM
Whether it be Catholics venerating Peter the first Pope, or exclusive Protestants uplifting the ministry of Paul, I doubt that any group that sees a single leader besides our Lord Jesus could ever be a healthy church.

Interestingly, other groups who follow a single leader don't make any effort to deny it. The LCM makes every effort to deny who they are following. Perhaps the most unhealthy groups are the ones who can't see themselves for what they really are.

09-09-2017, 03:36 AM
Interestingly, other groups who follow a single leader don't make any effort to deny it. The LCM makes every effort to deny who they are following. Perhaps the most unhealthy groups are the ones who can't see themselves for what they really are.

It is amazing just how blind we can be, never seeing ourselves for who we are. I just read an article about the Pope condemning the US over immigration policy and building walls. Sounds more than a little disingenuous coming from a man who lives in his own city state surrounded by armed guards with zero immigration and a forty foot wall.

My entire life I have been subject to Lutheran-bashing. In parochial school I heard about those terrible Lutherans not going to heaven, and then in the Recovery I heard about those degraded and divisive Lutherans because they were "of" Luther. Yet I was blinded for half a century to the fact that before I knew Christ I was of the Pope, and after I knew Christ I was of Lee. Or was I of Chu?