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09-22-2015, 01:11 PM
I am more than happy to fellowship with any of my dear brothers and
sisters about their experiences of "practicing the truth" and "walking in
the light". To participate in 2nd hand, 3rd hand, 4th hand information about something that happened 41 years ago, well I just don't have the heart.
If that's specifically and solely related to Daystar, I can understand. As far as other topics and subjects worthy of discussion, I hope to hear from our sister.

09-22-2015, 02:21 PM
Inwardly, the Lord has told me to stop presenting to the Forum, even
though I want to prove that I am not some "hit and run" sister. I have
no intention of wooing anyone back to the LC. My hope, was to present
my experiences as a counter balance to all the negativity I sensed here.

I would double-check that if I were you. LCMers have inward registrations which they attibute to the Lord, but which are often just the reaction of their conditioning, rather than the Holy Spirit.

Again, I suggest most respectfully, pray. Please pray about your life and where the Lord wants you, rather than just going with your first reaction. LCMers take so much based on the words of others. They rarely pray about things.

Just a short story. I often encouragage LCMers to pray about what the Lord really wants and what he is really doing. It's quite odd, but no one has ever replied, "Good idea. I'll do that." But what could be wrong with praying? Do you think you can ever go wrong by praying? But LCMers seem to think if they open the door to praying about the LCM that the Devil will step in or something. Quite odd.

I asked an LCM brother once to pray about whether he should be in the LCM. You know what he said? He said, "I don't need to pray."

That in a nutshell shows you the nature of the situation.

05-28-2017, 05:58 PM
anyone have the original audio available? can't seem to find it anywhere online. seems to have fallen prey to the lsm censor trolls.

06-20-2019, 07:43 AM
The FB posts (Jo Casteel Open Letter) are illuminating - pun intended. What people see when something hidden for so long is finally unveiled... suddenly they're like, Oh. Here's one from yesterday:

Woah. I just listened to the whole [Sal Benoit] phone call. It was very eye opening that BL would begin to talk over the other guy whenever there was any question or criticism, and then the only time the other guy was able to string a few sentences together without being interrupted by BL was when he was complimenting and praising him.

I was reading that and thought, You know that's right... one can say anything they want in the LC as long as it's either "Amen" or "Hallelujah" or "Oh Lord Jesus!" As soon as someone begins to ad-lib they bang the piano and sharing time is over.

"Just be simple, don't be hardened..."