View Full Version : New from Gospel Outfitters (John Myer)

06-11-2013, 04:53 PM
Dear Friends,

This is a notice concerning the relaunch of my website, Gospel Outfitters, www.gospeloutfitters.com, a resource for small ministry endeavors.

As you'll see, it represents a very small beginning, which we hope to grow as time goes by. It will also be a great place to watch for the release of my new book, Shopping Versus Seeking, which is due out in a few months.

In Christ,
John Myer

06-13-2013, 02:14 PM
Dear Friends,

This is a notice concerning the relaunch of my website, Gospel Outfitters, www.gospeloutfitters.com (http://www.gospeloutfitters.com), a resource for small ministry endeavors.

As you'll see, it represents a very small beginning, which we hope to grow as time goes by. It will also be a great place to watch for the release of my new book, Shopping Versus Seeking, which is due out in a few months.

In Christ,
John Myer

I am currently reading Myer's book Swim with the Sharks (http://www.gospeloutfitters.com/store.html), which I find very helpful and informative. It is not a scholarly polemic exposing all the flaws in errant religions, though good information is included, but an aid in communicating with non-Christians. It provides both a solid basis for what we do believe, and addresses the religious deceptions that may have captured the people we know.

John, as always, is very readable and always focuses on the crucial things. As someone has said, "the main thing is to keep the main thing ... the main thing."