View Full Version : Recovering From Churches that Abuse, Ronald M. Enroth

08-08-2008, 12:10 PM

From the jacket of the book
When Ronald Enroth wrote the best-selling book Churches That Abuse, he touched a nerve with many people who had experienced the pain inflicted by fringe churches and religious groups having authoritarian or other hurtful styles. In this book Enroth points the way toward spiritual and emotional healing for those who have come out of these groups.
This book will help the victims of spiritual abuse and their families cope with reentry into the Christian mainstream, and it will prove invaluable to counselors and pastors who are helping these people to find their way. Specific topics, presented through the narrative style of the book, include dispelling emotional confusion, restoring relationships, regaining independence and making other life adjustments, coping with disorientation, returning to reality, and renewing a wholesome personal relationship with God.

01-04-2009, 05:02 PM
I read that book Nell, and found it helpful. I was looking through these posts and noticed in one of FPO, that the conference in the Embassy Hotel - next door was the Jim Jones folks. Eeeeeeeks ! I was at that conference. Hard to believe.

FoundHim ( Searching)