View Full Version : Prayer Request Regarding Gene Gruhler's Daughter Becky

04-07-2008, 10:14 AM
Dear Brothers and Sisters, We have been very saddened that our dear daughter Becky Danek has just been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer.
She has been employed at National Jewish Hospital, and this week the doctors there in coordination with those at Denver University Hospital have been running the tests necessary to determine the type and extent of the cancer. She will have an appointment at the Cancer Center at University Hospital on Monday to review the results and consider the treatment options.
We are very grateful that the top lung cancer specialist, Dr Paul A Bunn, Director of the University Hospital Cancer Center, has taken her case, but she is in the Lord’s hands and He alone is our Great Physician and the Shepherd of our souls.

Please remember her in your prayers as well as Robert and their children, Nathan, Melissa, Christina, and Henna.
Your brother and sister in Christ,
Gene & Mary Gruhler

04-07-2008, 12:23 PM
Thanks for posting this. The Gruhlers and the Daneks are both wonderful couples. May the Lord really bless them during this process.

04-08-2008, 11:27 PM
Thanks for posting this. The Gruhlers and the Daneks are both wonderful couples. May the Lord really bless them during this process.

Amen! Yes Testing123. May the Lord really bless them through the days, weeks, and months ahead. He is the Great comforter.


05-02-2008, 01:19 PM
Becky has just started chemotherapy. As some of you may know this kind of treatment can by very debilitating and stressful. Becky has several children and this will add to the stress. Let's hold her up in prayer that she and her family will be encouraged and strengthened.