- SPLIT THREAD - Early Lee - Later Lee
- The Elder's Book of Cherishing
- Can you dismiss WL's ministry because of his sins?
- Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can They Be Separated?
- “Becoming one flesh” <–> “one spirit with Christ”
- The Ministry Becomes the Lampstand
- The Building and a Bride in the Bible
- LSM's Myths of Church History
- What is Building Up?
- Newspaper Clippings re Witness Lee & the Lord's Recovery
- Witness Lee and AW Tozer
- Witness Lee's "fuzzy math"
- James Barber - History of Witness Lee
- Who Was The "Real" Witness Lee?
- Quotes by Nee and Lee on leaving LCM
- Was Witness Lee a Calvinist?
- Early Lee: The church in Los Angeles 1963
- Pledge of Allegiance to Witness Lee
- Early Lee - Later Lee
- Concerning Lee's 1997 Admonition regarding Love
- How is Christ building His Church?
- The Bridge and Channel of God - The Early Lee
- BREAKING Watchman Nee and Witness Lee aren't in the Bible
- Pledge of Allegience to Witness Lee